Tondo 5
doorsnee 38,5 cm, acryl op hout, 2023
The silence of form
doorsnee, 90 cm, acryl op hout, 2023
20 x 30 cm, aol, 2023
Zilten tron
32 x 45 cn, aol, 2023
60 x 150 cm, aol, 2023 particulier Rotterdam
Latour 8
20 x 30 cm, aol, 2023
Verbaasde lopers
32 x 45 cm, acryl op kunststof, 2023
120 x 90 cm, aol, 2023
Place of merit
120 x 90 cm, aol, 2023
Latour 6
20 x 30 cm, 2023