40 x 80 cm, 2018, consignatie Contempo Galerie
Folds of thought
80 x 180 cm, 2018, Particulier Amsterdam
Fourty birds are lonely on a one-tree island in a disappointed sea
40 x 80 cm, 2016/2018, consignatie Contempo Galerie
Hopes and fears
20 x 28 cm, 2018
More language, less meaning (Dela)
80 x 180 cm, 2018, Dela
Space and harmonic gesture
80 x 240 cm, 2018, consignatie Hotel Kazerne, Eindhoven
Space, movement and thought
60 x 150 cm, 2018
The obstinacy to be only a probability
60 x 150 cm, 2018, Particulier Eindhoven
Zonder eigen
40 x 50 cm, 2018, consignatie Hotel Kazerne, Eindhoven